- 确定材料的静态和动态剪切模量
- 了解材料在剪切时的破裂力或断裂力
- 了解材料在蠕变或应力松弛期间的响应方式
- 或定量测定两种材料表面之间的摩擦系数。
1) 剪切是材料在组件或结构中的受激形式,因此在剪切时测得的材料特性可以 好地表现出设计解决方案所需的材料特性。
2) 剪切的作用对象是那些在拉伸或压缩模式下难以夹紧的软性或高粘性材料。
As an example, single or double lap shear tests are quite often utilized to characterize adhesives and the shear forces required to cause failure. ASTM standard D3528 –通过拉伸负载进行的双搭接剪切粘接强度特性的标准测试方法介绍了在静态剪切测试中确定屈服力或断裂力等剪切特性的测试方法。
Some shear tests utilize a rotational actuator to characterize shear properties. A specific example of a rotational shear test is the positioning of two cartilage plugs in opposition to each other to look at lubrication and surface effects during loading.
ElectroForce test instruments are capable of performing many of the traditional linear and rotary shear tests. The optional DMA software package is useful when determining the linear dynamic shear modulus of materials or components as a function of frequency, amplitude, temperature or many other test parameters. ElectroForce systems are available in an axial or axial-torsion configuration, if rotational shear is of interest.