
EM_3550_HotColdChamberTA ElectroForce test instruments perform a broad range of materials testing tasks.  With a product line ranging in capacity from the 22 N Model 3100 system to the 15 kN Model 3550 system.  The ElectroForce materials testing product line provides many options for automotive and aerospace material materials testing requirements.  These requirements range from simple static tests used to acquire tensile, compressive or bending data, to more complex fatigue and fracture materials testing applications.

TA ElectroForce 低应力系统极其适合测试需要在低应力或小位移下进行精确控制的试样,包括纤维、箔片、薄膜、线以及其他汽车和航空航天试样。高应力 3500 型系统的材料测试功能可满足更大试样和高强度结构材料的静态、疲劳和断裂力学测试需求,其中高强度结构材料中应不包括需要采用传统测试系统进行测试的基础结构。


A multi-purpose TA ElectroForce test system using clean servoelectric technology, makes it an excellent choice for the characterization of engineered materials.  Proprietary TA ElectroForce linear motor technologies provide excellent performance for material tests which require stability such as creep or stress relaxation tests, as well as the bandwidth and precision for fatigue and other dynamic testing applications.
