

拉伸和压缩测试是 基础的两种测试材料特性的试验,同时也是 有用的试验。 This basic material property data is critical for component design and service performance assessment.  Typical analytical information derived from tension and compression testing includes the following: compressive strength, elastic limit, elongation, modulus of elasticity proportional limit, reduction in area, strain, yield point, yield strength, and ultimate tensile strength.


  • 测定原材料的拉伸/压缩特性,并与规范中记录的材料规格对比;
  • 用于有限元件建模或其他产品设计的实验材料特性数据,从而确定所需的力学特征和服务占空比;
  • 通过再现预期服务环境预估组件的机械性能。


金属和塑料的标准拉伸和压缩测试应采用专门制备的测试样本。 These specimens can be machined cylindrical samples or flat plate samples (often called a dogbone), and have a specific ratio of length to width-diameter in the test area (gage) in order to comply with standard ASTM/ISO testing standards.  Cylindrical and tubular geometries,  fibers, and wires  are tested directly  using specially designed  fixtures with optimized  gripping and failure location.


Biological samples often require testing in their found condition although it is not uncommon to machine smaller samples from  specific areas (e.g. bone) of interest.  Small-scale testing often doesn’t conform to established standards and the test engineer is left to devise  the specimen geometry, gripping method and proper test equipment sizing  (i.e. low force)  to get optimized, repeatable results.

多种 TA ElectroForce ElectroForce 测试仪器均已用于有效地进行综合产品设计或研究计划中的拉伸和压缩测试。
