Perfect choice for applications requiring sub-ambient temperature control. .
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Complete Peltier Plate Temperature Systems
Over 20 years ago, TA Instruments first introduced Peltier Plate temperature control to rheometers. Since then, this core technology has been continuously developed and adapted to meet the expanding needs of our customers. With superior technology designed into five convenient Smart Swap models, we offer the highest performing, most versatile, and best accessorized Peltier Plate Temperature Systems available.
Features and Benefits
- Smart Swap technology
- Wide Temperature Range: -45 °C to 200 °C
- Widest Continuous Temperature Range
- Accurate Temperature Control: ±0.1 °C
- Plates and Cones up to 40 mm in Diameter
- Large Variety of Geometry Materials and Types
- Fully Accessorized
- Extremely Efficient Solvent Trap
- Purge Gas Cover
- Insulating Thermal Cover
- Camera Viewer Option
Complete Peltier Plate Temperature Systems
Over 20 years ago, TA Instruments first introduced Peltier Plate temperature control to rheometers. Since then, this core technology has been continuously developed and adapted to meet the expanding needs of our customers. With superior technology designed into five convenient Smart Swap models, we offer the highest performing, most versatile, and best accessorized Peltier Plate Temperature Systems available.
Standard Peltier Plate
Standard Peltier Plate
The Standard Peltier Plate is the most common selection, offering an 80 mm diameter hardened surface to accommodate up to 60 mm upper plates for maximum sensitivity.
Stepped Peltier Plate
Stepped Peltier Plate
The Stepped Peltier Plate provides the convenience of interchanging plate diameters and surfaces up to 25 mm in diameter or for remote sample preparation. Stainless steel and titanium plates are available in flat, sandblasted, and crosshatched finishes.
Stepped Disposable Peltier Plate
Stepped Disposable Peltier Plate
The Stepped Disposable Peltier Plate is ideal for thermoset curing or other single-use applications and is compatible with standard disposable plates.
Dual Stage Peltier Plate Design
Dual Stage Peltier Plate Design
The Dual Stage Peltier Plate features an innovative design that offers a temperature range of -45 °C to 200 °C with standard counter-cooling options. It integrates a unique stacked Peltier element configuration that provides enhanced low temperature responsiveness and continuous temperature control over the entire operating range with a single heat sink temperature of 2 °C. This eliminates the need to have expensive powerful circulators to obtain temperatures down to this range.
Peltier temperature control devices require that they be connected to a heat sink, typically a circulating fluid medium such as water. Most Peltier systems have a continuous temperature range of approximately 100 °C for a single heat sink temperature.
The unique design of the Advanced, Standard and Stepped Peltier Plate systems from TA Instruments extends the continuous range to 220 °C, as seen in data in the figure to the right. The benefit of this wide range is that it more than doubles the actual useable temperature range during any single test. The Dual Stage Peltier Plate extends the low temperature limit and dramatically improves cooling performance. The figure to the right shows that this device can reach -40 °C from room temperature in under 10 minutes with a heat sink set at 2 °C.
Peltier Solvent Trap and Evaporation Blocker
Peltier Solvent Trap and Evaporation Blocker
The Solvent Trap cover and Solvent Trap geometry work in concert to create a thermally stable vapor barrier, virtually eliminating any solvent loss during the experiment as shown in data for water at 40 ˚C to the right. The geometry includes a well that contains very low viscosity oil, or even the volatile solvent present in the sample. The Solvent Trap cover includes a blade that is placed into the solvent contained in the well without touching any other part of the upper geometry. The Solvent Trap sits directly on top of the Peltier Plate surface and an insulating, centering ring ensures perfect placement for quick and easy sample loading. The solvent trap is also available in an insulated model. See Insulating Thermal Covers section for details.
Purge Gas Cover
Purge Gas Cover
The Purge Gas Environmental Cover is a hard-anodized aluminum two-piece split cover with 4 mm diameter compression fittings. An insulating location ring ensures precise and easy location of the cover. This cover is ideal for purging the sample area with nitrogen to prevent condensation during experiments performed below room temperature or with a humidified purge to keep a sample from drying.
Insulating Thermal Covers
Insulating Thermal Covers
Thermal Insulation Covers are constructed of an anodized aluminum core surrounded by an insulating exterior. The aluminum core conducts heat to the upper geometry, providing uniform temperature throughout the sample. The cover is available in standard and solvent trap models. The standard cover accommodates up to 25 mm plates and can be used with all Peltier plate models. It is recommended for use over a temperature range of -10 °C to 90 °C, with samples not susceptible to drying such as oils, caulk, epoxy, and asphalt binder. The Insulated Solvent Trap Cover is compatible with the Standard Peltier Plate and geometries up to 60 mm in diameter. It is recommended for testing of low viscosity materials over the same temperature range above and offers the added benefit of evaporation prevention. Heat break geometries are recommended for use with both covers.
Peltier Immersion Ring
Peltier Immersion Ring
The Peltier Plate Immersion Ring allows samples to be measured while fully immersed in a fluid. The immersion ring is compatible with all Peltier Plate models and is easily attached to the top of the Peltier Plate. A rubber ring provides the fluid seal. This option is ideal for studying the properties of hydrogels.
Peltier Plate Covers
Peltier Plate Covers
A variety of Peltier Plate Covers are available for applications that can harm the surface of the plate or for samples that exhibit slip during testing. They are available in stainless steel, hard-anodized aluminum and titanium. Crosshatched and sandblasted Peltier covers are used to eliminate sample slippage effects. Covers are compatible with solvent trap.
Peltier Plate Camera Viewer
Peltier Plate Camera Viewer
The camera viewer is used in conjunction with streaming video and image capture software. Real-time images can be displayed in the software and an image can be stored with each data point for subsequent viewing during data analysis. The camera viewer is perfect for long experiments with unattended operation for visual inspections of data integrity.