The undisputed market leader in Thermal Conductivity measurement of insulation and building materials.
Our Instruments are reliable, easy-to-use, durable thermal conductivity measurement equipment. Each of our FOX heat flow meters combines advanced sophistication with over 20 years of superior engineering. Search our lineup of thermal conductivity instruments.
The thermal conductivity of a specimen is determined by measuring the heat flux, specimen thickness, and temperature difference across the specimen. In each component of the thermal conductivity equation FOX Instruments provide extremely precise readings, .6mV resolution on integrating high output heat flux transducers, 0.001” precision in thickness measurement, and 0.01°C temperature control and resolution. Each of these individual measurements is an order of magnitude more accurate than any other currently used in thermal conductivity measurement. They combine to provide the most accurate results of any heat flow meter instrument commercially available. When using our high accuracy calibration standard mode, FOX Instruments challenge and exceed the accuracy of the enormously time consuming, operator dependent, and expensive guarded hot plates.