FOX 200 HT

FOX 200 HT Accurate, easy-to-use instrument for measuring thermal conductivity according to ASTM C518 and ISO 8301 << View all Insulation & Building Material Instruments Description Specifications Technology Optional Configurations Video The FOX 200 HT Heat Flow Meter is an accurate, easy-to-use instrument for measuring thermal conductivity according to ASTM C518 and ISO 8301. Operating…


X3 DSC  Discover the DSC that delivers The World’s Finest line of Differential Scanning Calorimeters. << View all Differential Scanning Calorimeters  DescriptionSpecificationTechnologyAccessoriesSoftwareResources TA Instruments invites you to Discover the possibilities with the Discovery X3 Differential Scanning Calorimeter featuring a multi-sample cell that delivers high quality heat flow data for up to three samples simultaneously. The…

DMA 850

DMA 850  Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer The world’s most powerful platform for mechanical measurements. << View all Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers DescriptionSpecificationsTechnologySoftwareClampsAccessoriesVideo TA Instruments invites you to experience the ultimate in Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers, the Discovery DMA 850. Building on superior technologies of the world’s best-selling DMA, improvements in every aspect of DMA performance deliver the most accurate and…

TMA 450

TMA 450 Discover the World’s Finest Thermomechanical Analyzer The TMA 450 delivers Superior Performance, Unmatched Sensitivity & Maximum Versatility.    << View all Thermal Analyzers DescriptionSpecificationsTechnologyAccessoriesSoftwareApplicationsResources TA Instruments invites you to experience the finest in Thermomechanical Analyzers, the Discovery TMA 450. Discover the advanced engineering and attention to detail that provides enhancements in every aspect of…

Discovery DSC 25P

Discovery DSC 25P 高压差示扫描量热仪 DSC 25P – 满足您对压力 DSC 的需求. << 查看全部差示扫描量热仪 说明特点与技术参数附件 Discovery DSC 25P 压力差示扫描量热仪: DSC 25P 是专用的压力 DSC 模块,可实现对压力敏感材料的热流测量。Discovery DSC 25P 用于研究真空、标准大气压和高压条件下的热转变、化学反应和氧化稳定性/分解。它可测量材料在惰性、氧化或还原等各类气体环境中的热流。DSC 25P 的压力范围为 1 Pa 到 7 MPa(0.0001 到 1,000 psi),可在静态或动态吹扫(恒定体积或恒定压力)环境下进行实验。 在大气压力和高压条件下,Discovery DSC 25P 的工作温度范围为室温至 550 °C。用于 FACS 的可选淬火冷却附件可将 DSC 25P 的工作温度下限扩展至 -130°C.   特点和优点 采用 Fusion CellTM 技术,配备压力传感器、安装于支座上的固定传感器、稳定可靠的银质加热炉、Tzero 热电偶和温控电子元件。DSC 25P…

Discovery DSC 25P

Discovery DSC 25P High Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter DSC 25P – Meeting your needs for Pressure DSC. << View all Differential Scanning Calorimeters  DescriptionFeatures & SpecificationsAccessories Discovery DSC 25P Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter: The DSC 25P is a dedicated Pressure DSC module that provides heat flow measurements on pressure sensitive materials. The Discovery DSC 25P…

DLF 2800

DLF 2800 系统功能强大,可进行高达 2800°C 的精准热扩散系数测量。. << 查看全部闪光导热分析仪 说明特性技术参数Technology性能Software Discovery 激光闪光 DLF 2800 是一款先进的独立仪器,可测量材料的热扩散系数和比热容,温度范围从室温直至 2800°C。其独特设计中包含专属激光器、激光光纤、检测器和加热炉技术,以及独特的六样品位转盘,可提供空前的测量精度和样品处理量。DLF 2800 可在包括惰性气体、真空等各种环境条件下运行,表征各种不同材料的特性,其中包括聚合物、陶瓷、碳、石墨、复合材料、玻璃、金属和合金等。. DLF 2800 特性 功能强大的 DLF 2800 激光器可提供比其他竞争产品高 40% 的能量,从而在 高温度和 广样品范围内实现精确测试,而无需考虑厚度和热传导问题 专有光纤传输管确保 99% 的激光射线均匀传输至样品,可提高测量精度 独特的六样品位转盘有助于大幅提高样品处理速度,并实现精准的热容量测量 转盘设计灵活,可配备多种样品支架、适配器和特定夹具,适用于各类测试 高级加热炉可在室温直至 2800°C 的范围内提供优异/优秀/杰出的温度性能,支持在惰性气体或真空环境中应用 高灵敏度红外检测器具备优异信噪比,可在整个温度范围内提供 高精度 实时脉冲映射用于测试薄型和高导热率材料,实现热扩散系数的高精度测量 满足各类行业标准测试方法,包括:ASTM E1461、ASTM C714、ASTM E2585、ISO 13826、ISO 22007 – 第 4 部分、ISO 18755、BS ENV 1159-2、DIN 30905 *美国专有号 #6.375.349.81 激光源…

ElectroForce DMA 3200 High Force DMA

DMA 3200 High Force DMA The DMA 3200 combines decades of cutting-edge fatigue and world-leading Dynamic Mechanical Analysis technologies into a unique and highly versatile testing platform. The patented, frictionless Electroforce® motor technology, superior mechanical design, efficient environmental control, and wide variety of clamping systems deliver superior data accuracy for the broadest range of applications.   DescriptionSpecs.TechnologyClamping SystemsSoftwareApplications Product Features The DMA 3200…

SDT 650

SDT 650 Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer DSC/TGA system that delivers the purest real-time simultaneous heat flow and weight data possible. << View all Thermal Analyzers DescriptionFeaturesSpecificationsTechnologyAccessories TA Instruments invites you to experience the world’s finest Simultaneous DSC/TGA, the Discovery SDT 650. Discover the advanced engineering and attention to detail that provides enhancements in every aspect of performance and a…


New TAM Air The isothermal calorimeter of choice for labs that require high sensitivity and the industry’s best baseline stability for both R&D applications and long term process analysis. << View all Isothermal Calorimeters DescriptionThermostatCalorimeterAmpoulesExperimentsResourcesSoftwareVideo The new TAM Air from TA Instruments is a powerful isothermal calorimeter with heat flow sensitivity in the microwatt range and…

TGA 5500

The TGA 5500 is designed for the researcher that requires the highest level of performance and features in one package. Built to maximize temperature control and minimize drift, the TGA 5500 has less drift than any competitive TGA – even after they use post-test data manipulation! The TA patented IR furnace delivers the fastest heating and cooling rates available. The all new autosampler makes high productivity standard.

TGA 550

The TGA 550 will not only outperform competitive top tier systems, but will also give users the flexibility to add advanced features like Hi-Res TGA, MTGA, DTA signal, and our new 25-position autosampler. The performance, flexibility, and ease-of-use, make this an excellent TGA for research and multi-user laboratories where a wide variety of TGA experiments are conducted, and where future expansion of analytical work is anticipated.