Overcoming Composites R&D Challenges with Material Analysis

The composites market is evolving fast. Global market projections indicate a 10.8 % growth by 2028, driven by the demand for composites across industries looking for materials with superior performance at reduced weight and cost.1 This blog explores how advanced material analysis can enhance R&D and manufacturing processes in the composites market, ultimately leading to financial savings and increased efficiency.

Characterization Considerations when Sourcing PCR

Against the backdrop of a plastic waste crisis, the global demand for plastic is set to quadruple by 2060. This has driven a shift toward sustainability and away from linear use models of plastic production. Post-consumer resin (PCR) has emerged as a key player in circular economy initiatives, though ensuring the quality and performance of PCR requires several characterization considerations.

Electronic circuit board close up


消费者兴趣和可持续性发展目标导致对电动汽车的需求飙升。美国的目标是,到 2030 年时电动汽车销量占总市场的 50%,但 99% 的电动汽车电池的原材料和零部件材料均在国外生产。1, 2 采购外国制造的材料和电池已经给该行业带来了挑战。2022 年 3 月,由于俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,电池的主要原料镍的价格暴涨。3


消费者兴趣和可持续性发展目标导致对电动汽车的需求飙升。美国的目标是,到 2030 年时电动汽车销量占总市场的 50%,但 99% 的电动汽车电池的原材料和零部件材料均在国外生产。1, 2 采购外国制造的材料和电池已经给该行业带来了挑战。2022 年 3 月,由于俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,电池的主要原料镍的价格暴涨。3

经济且高效地升级实验室仪器的 4 种方法



什么是生物塑料?塑料制造商如何利用它们来改善其产品的环境影响?面对如此多的新兴绿色技术,生产商和消费者需要区分洗绿1 和真正的进步。此外,如果一项新的发展被认为对环境有利,那么塑料供应链的所有阶段,尤其是加工厂,就必须学习如何在不损害其工艺或产品的情况下采用新技术。